
Showing posts from February, 2024

Why we like hand tools/Origin story

 Hi all, I like working with hand tools.  Something about using an old fashioned, wood handled implement makes me connect to the job I'm doing, the world and my situation better.  I learned most of these skills from my father, who recently passed, but I share my love of using these tools with a friend of mine, who sees similar utility and generally tolerates my shenanigans with axes, knives, scythes, woodsman's pals and the like.   There's always a fast, loud, and garish way to do things.  I have those sorts of tools too - the leaf blowers, weedwhackers, chainsaws and other things that make noise and can usually get the job done faster.  But I always prefer the things that are silent or quiet, where I can work with my friends or family and do things carefully.   Sometimes I need to do something fast, so I keep those things handy - but for when I need to use my muscles, feel accomplished and avoid a gym visit, I split wood by hand, or cut some hay with my scythe, or limb a t